Friday, March 4, 2022




After finishing our preproduction the following week we went straight to filming. We were given an extra week to film so in total we had two weeks to film. During February 22-25 we had to film but one of our group members was not ready which caused us to start filming the last week of filming. On Monday we filmed the easiest and fastest shots to get them out of the way. And on Tuesday we didn't film because we had to remake our branding. On Wednesday and Thursday Zhanae, Nia, and I had to film all the shots not including Ja'Niyah considering she was absent on both days. For Friday we plan on doing all the main shots and finishing them according to our and Mrs. Landis schedule. As a recording device we used an iPhone 12 and a 11 we were planning on only using the twelve but we had some technical issues and had to use both, the quality on them turned out really good since we had the setting on 4k. I have learned that we can use any recording device to film if you just know the right angles and camera movements. The killer in our film was not our original killer and we had to use a low angle shot to make him look more powerful and more like a killer. We did not use any tutorials because the equipment we used we had already gotten used to using them.


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Final Video Project

  This is our final video for the Portfolio project Thank you for this amazing journey!. I had fun filming with my group partners.