There are many different type of movies narrative, documentary, & documentaries. And there are also different genres in film comedy, horror, romance, action, Horror comedy, etc. A genre is a style or category of art, music, literature or film. When thinking about a genre you should think about the different parts of the film, this helps the audience identify the type of fil they are watching.
Background knowledge
From my own research and my classmates film genre project, I have learned that drama contains stories with high stakes and a lot of conflict. These drama films started in the 1940's but they began rising in 19700. When the audience analyses these films they must look at the role characters: relationship, atmosphere, and the tension created.
Content Application
The content that was applied for my project was horror comedy. To construct this project I first had to understand my genre the horror comedy, a sub-genre that sets blood, gore, and screams right next to gags, prat falls, and laughs. To analyze this genre the audience might take a look at the lighting, the costumes, camera techniques, giant sharp fonts the color of the fonts which would most likely be red representing blood. The intended audience for this genre is more young adults to teens that enjoys the thrill scare and laughter of a horror comedy film.
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